SS. 10 Charismatic Catastrophe: Eschatological, Soteriological, Ecclesiological Crises

SS. 10 Charismatic Catastrophe: Eschatological, Soteriological, Ecclesiological Crises

Grace Bible Church, Pentecostalism 1 Comment on SS. 10 Charismatic Catastrophe: Eschatological, Soteriological, Ecclesiological Crises

Grace Bible Church, Adult Sunday School, 3/22/15

Subtitle: What Happens When It Really Happens

Correction: My apologies, I accidentally said the wrong number when citing a statistic on the number of Pentecostals in the world. The approximate number of Pentecostals worldwide is 500 million, or 1/2 a billion, not the 5 billion I accidentally said.  To be sure, 500 million was in my notes, and it was my plan to say that.  However, I had heard someone say 1/2 a billion in a sermon recently, and so a variant of the numerical data was in my head.  It was merely a misreading that I didn’t even notice when I was teaching.  I obviously seek to make sure my statistics are accurate and that they come from reputable sources.  I apologize for the accidental misstatement and any confusion.  I am holding my own feet to the fire. 🙂

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