Ep. 53 ALERT! First Ever F2tF Round-Table Discussion Featuring Special Guests: GOP Primary Heating Up!
Elections January 25, 2016 -
Ep. 52 Piper Wrong On Guns, Part 2: Self-Sacrifice Versus Self-Defense
Gun Control/2nd Amendment January 18, 2016 -
02 House of Worship: The Priority of Reverence
Family Devotionals, Grace Bible Church January 18, 2016 -
Titus 2: Biblical Roles in the Church, Part 2
College and Career, Grace Bible Church January 18, 2016 -
Titus 2: Biblical Roles in the Church, Part 1
College and Career, Grace Bible Church January 17, 2016 -
Ep. 51 All Are NOT Welcome: Why Trump Is Right & Trump/Nazi Comparisons Are Just Plain Absurd [audio]
Illegal Immigration January 12, 2016 -
01 House of Worship, The Priority and Practice of Family Devotionals: Defining the Crisis
Family Devotionals, Grace Bible Church January 10, 2016 -
Ep. 50 John Piper is Wrong About Guns, Falwell is Right, Part 1: On Christianity, Firearms, and Self-Defense
Gun Control/2nd Amendment January 3, 2016