Ep. 45 Migration is Terrorism’s Trojan Horse: All the Facts You Need to Know About “Syrian Refugees” and Obama’s Policy of National Self-Destruction
Illegal Immigration November 22, 2015 -
Ep. 44 Liberals Out Of Touch: Paris, Militant Islam, Environmentalism, and The Real Threat To National Security
Foreign Policy/Terrorism November 19, 2015 -
Ep. 43 Minimum Wage Is WRONG: The Unethical Folly of Market Manipulation Is Liberals’ Attempt to Bribe Voters
Economics November 16, 2015 -
ALERT: A Must Read, Short and Spot On! http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2015-11-11.html
Conservatism November 13, 2015 -
Ep. 42 Illegal Immigration Is National Suicide: Why Amnesty Is An Irreversible and Fatal Disease to the Republic [audio]
Illegal Immigration November 9, 2015 -
Ep. 41 Modern Cowards vs. Time-Tested Conservatives: Reform Happens When Bold Leaders Stand Fearless! [audio]
Conservatism November 1, 2015